What Does Kampung Spirit Mean
The term can be misleading prompting some people to assume we have. Just enough to make the older generation reminisce the old days in an attempt to reawaken the spirit again. Selamat Hari Raya To All Malaysians Malaysian Selamat Hari Raya Interesting Information In the Malayan Union kampong people have the kampong spirit and in rural Singapore villagers must have the village spirit in order to improve their living condition. What does kampung spirit mean . Malaya Tribune Press OCLC 19125255 page 4 column 5. The phrase kampong spirit has been mentioned frequently in recent years especially in the media or used by the community leaders in their speech. The generally-accepted meaning is camaraderie community spirit social cohesion a willingness to help others and above all neighborliness. Another phrase gotong royong a term widely used in the sixties and seventies but relatively unknown to the younger. A sense of social cohesion in a community and a willingness of neighbours...